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2024-2025 Season 
Registration Checklist

Please use the following checklist to guide you in registering your singers.
**Returning singers proceed directly to Step 2**
(Click the underlined titles to connect to each registration element.)



1. Interview or Audition, if required - see criteria below:
  • New singers, Grades 9 & up, interested in Stele must complete a successful audition.  CLICK HERE to schedule an audition.
  • New singers, Grades 2 & up interested in Aurora, Amiaza, or Serata do not require an audition and are encouraged to sign up for an interview to meet your choir Director before your first rehearsal.  CLICK HERE to schedule an interview.
  • Returning singers, all choirs, do not require an interview or audition. Skip to Step 2!
2.  Complete the online Singer Registration Form (All singers)
3.  Complete and print the Emergency Medical Form (All Singers)
  • This form MUST be notarized and submitted in hard copy to the LYC Offices on or before your singer’s first rehearsal.
4.  2024-2025 Singer & Parent Handbook (New & Returning Singers)
5.  Pay your $75 Registration Fee  (click for Wave secure server)
     or Mail Check to Lumina Youth Choirs, P.O. Box 291129, Tampa, FL 33687
6.  Pay Remaining Tuition Invoice or Apply for a Scholarship
  • Every enrolled singer will receive a tuition bill at the time of registration. Tuition can be paid in full at the start of the season or in installments as listed in the 2024-2025 Singer & Parent Handbook. 
  • If the installment plan is selected, a form of payment will be required to be maintained "on file" with LYC, and installment payments will be automatically deducted on the dates listed in the 2023-2024 Singer & Parent Handbook.
  • Scholarship applications should be in line with the options chosen on the Singer Registration Form (See #2 above). 




Questions about Registration Items?  



Questions about Fees or Finances?



Or call 813-290-SING (813-290-7464)

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